Global $1.7 Trillion Data Loss Problem – GuruSquad Finds Data Protection Solution GuruSquad

Global $1.7 Trillion Data Loss Problem – GuruSquad Finds Data Protection Solution

Fairfax, VA June 03, 2015

GuruSquad finds solution to the $1.7 trillion data loss problem with backup software.

GuruSquad rants and raves over $1.7 trillion EMC data loss study. They have released a GS Rich Copy 360 software and data loss white paper, looking at facts and figures, how data loss happens, and presenting several data protection solutions.

  • The White Paper:

Data loss is a regular occurrence that grips organizations, corporations, businesses and home users around the world, causing a problem in excess of $1.7 trillion USD. The 22-page document highlights facts and figures from multiple studies, including:
EMC Corporation
Security Week
Dunn and Bradstreet

  • The Rant:

The white paper caused GuruSquad head programmer and proprietor, Ahmed Amin, outrage. The rant appeared on the GuruSquad blog, titled: “They Have Data Loss – We Have The Solution”.

He wrote, “I feel frustrated. 6% of PC’s will suffer some form of loss to data in 2015.”

Ahmed went on to write, “Our software is not expensive. It is not complicated to use. Perhaps it is the fact that these companies just don’t know there are solutions to solve the problem.”

The blog post can be found here:

  • Essential Facts:

+ 71% of IT professionals are not confident in their ability to recover lost data.
+ Loss of data costs enterprises with more than 250 employees – $1.7 trillion in 2014.
+ 6% of PC’s will experience a data loss episode in 2015.

  • The Frustration With Data Loss Meme Image:

A frustration with data loss meme image has been released for media use. Please see the links above or attachments to download.

  • Media Mentions:

The Tech Ranch Radio in the United States was quick to request an interview, which aired live on 1st June 2015 at 11:30 AM Central Time.

Listen to the interview which aired on The Tech Ranch here.

  • About GuruSquad:

GS Rich Copy 360 provides complete data protection from data loss. Through the easy to use interface provided, GS Rich Copy 360 allows file backups on home, business and corporate computers and servers. GS Rich Copy 360 is used by AT&T, Home Land Security, organizations large and small, and home users around the world to protect their data. Visit to find out more about their software, currently on sale at $49.99 instead of $79.99 RRP through June 2015. Ahmed Amin, head programmer and proprietor of GuruSquad is taking interviews for the issues of data loss, data protection and GS software.

GuruSquad Contact Details:
5442 Safe Harbor Court
VA 22032

+1 (703) 868 – 9252


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