Telecommuters and people working permanently from home have become part of the norm in more and more companies every year. While there are many advantages to offering such a privilege to employees, it does present its own share of challenges to IT departments.
One of the main challenges presented is how to backup remote machines as relying on the users to do it themselves almost never works out and in the event of a harddrive crash, data corruption, accidental deletion, or getting data infected with a virus, the IT department will always have to assume the responsibility of recovering the data somehow.
This is a common scenario we see with many of our customers who have elected to use GS RIchCopy 360 Enterprise to overcome backing up their remote users and executive’s machines. GS RichCopy 360 provides the option to copy users’ data across the internet (using AES256 encryption) to a server in their main data center which is running GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise RTA (Remote Transfer Agent).
One RTA server can service many users (as many as a few hundred) given the hardware resources are available.
GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise can be set to run as a service so that data replication is run at set time intervals but furthermore, it comes with Real-Time feature to capture files created\modified in-between intervals.
Coupled with Byte-level replication which only sends the deltas in the files instead of sending the entire file cuts the replication time to possibly 10 to 15 minutes per day instead of 6 hours per day.
Download your free trial today of GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise
GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise has the ability to copy open and locked files so that users do not have to close out their files to “let them backup”.
This solution has worked for many businesses and government agencies from all sizes small, medium, large as well as fortune 500 companies.
If you have remote users or VIPs that save data on their local computers, then you should certainly consider backing them up. GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise is certainly one that you should consider for your organization. Download your free trial today of GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise